The Lumiza Story


–Founder Caleb Tschaenn

Welcome to Lumiza, yes another online retailer. Yet not the same as the others… You see here at Lumiza, We truly believe in providing the best service for all of our customers. As we provide normal retail services and B2B services. After spending almost a decade of my life working for a big box online retail, I’ve seen plenty of the customers and employees getting the wrong side of the stick. I want to change that, however necessary. My goal isn’t solely to make a buck but to prove that you can provide great deals for the customers and service to our customers while still providing great leadership and welcoming environment for my current and future employees.

Anyone who uses online shopping frequently will know exactly what I’m talking about and same for anyone who has ever worked for one of these companies. They are fully of toxicity, high school drama, and plenty more that the customers never see. This is what leads to a lot of the issues that customers end up having to deal with… Managers more worried about non work related things, playing games with employee lives to please themselves, and much more. This leads to poor work morale as people slowly figure out what is actually going on. Then Tempers flair and some intentionally mess up orders to “spite” these poor work conditions. It’s like the old saying goes about s*** roles down hill, and unfortunately the end product falls on the customers lap.

With Lumiza all of that is virtually non-existent.. I know that you can’t eliminate every issue or variable that causes these issues. But believe that we are doing our best to minimize those problems. We offer fast shipping with 4 day delivery on most items and FREE shipping on orders over $35 dollars with amazing quality and great customer support and services! And that’s the Lumiza story. So please Come Explore and see what you find and even if you don’t buy anything we are just happy you stopped in!


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